Advocates for Our Precious Foothills

A voice for protecting the treasures of Altadena’s local wildlands

in a sustainable manner for future generations

A Threat

After nearly 90 years of operations, the world-famous Nuccio’s Nursery for camellias and azaleas will be closed.  Polytechnic School in Pasadena is proposing to build the “Poly Fields” sports complex, including a football/soccer/athletics stadium, a baseball stadium, and tennis courts, on the site.  The plans include night lighting and amplified sound systems.

The Issues

If the proposed plans are approved by L.A. County, this development will:

  • Increase the density of people and intensity of activity in a very high-risk fire zone

  • Increase wildfire risks in nearby neighborhoods

  • Increase traffic on major routes from Pasadena

  • Increase the risk of accidents with hikers, cyclists & equestrians

  • Impact wildlife and migration routes

  • Create noise and light pollution

A Better Idea

AltadenaWILD believes that a better alternative should be in harmony with the surrounding environment and society’s changing valuation of the wild land-urban interface.  Where:

  • Hikers, cyclists and equestrians enjoy established trails.

  • Park-poor residents and nature-loving visitors have access to open space.

  • Wildlands provide a landscape for increased environmental education of underserved communities.

  • Wildlife thrives — and their migration routes remain undisturbed.

  • Streams flow cleanly and freely into the Arroyo Seco.

  • An appropriate legacy to Nuccio’s Nursery would be created.

Los Angeles County residents opposed to the Polytechnic School’s plans for a sports complex on Chaney Trail:

Please Sign Our Petition

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